住宿長灘 - 長灘島旅遊資訊網 2010年開幕的皇冠麗晶王子飯店位於一號碼頭,飯店一樓有24小時超級市場,隨時供應旅客的需求,是全長灘島除了D-mall外,唯二的SUPERMARKET。 在此無須擔憂時間早晚, 生活用品或飲料零食, 隨時可以前往購買,非常方便。
Crown Regency Hotels and Resorts » Discover The Best Of Life and Pleasures Crown Regency Hotels & Resorts understand the finer points of hospitality and luxury. It is dedicated to perfecting the travel experience through continual innovation and the ...
皇冠麗晶飯店Crown Regency Hotel & Towers--宿霧飯店 皇冠麗晶飯店,Crown Regency Hotel & Towers,宿霧CROWN REGENCY,宿霧飯店,宿霧住宿,為您量身訂做專屬宿霧蜜月旅行,員工旅遊,畢業旅行,海外婚禮行程。 ... 飯店網址:http://www.crownregencyhotels.com/hotel/index.php 飯店介紹 皇冠麗晶摩天飯店(Crown ...
Crown Regency Prince Resort Boracay Crown Regency Prince Resort in Boracay Island, Philippines | Reserve online and get instant confirmation. ... Staying at Crown Regency Prince Resort in Boracay, Philippines allows you to better enjoy the island’s countless tropical charms and treasures.
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【下午茶女王】- 美食‧旅行‧飯店住宿: 【澳門飯店推薦】皇冠度假酒店 Macau Crown Towers - yam天空部落 地址:澳門路氹連貫公路新濠天地 更多皇冠酒店相關介紹:http://www.cityofdreamsmacau.com/ 新濠天地裡有三家五星級飯店,最頂級的就屬:「 皇冠度假酒店 Macau Crown Towers 」。LOBBY的裝潢風格相當的高雅,房內也是相當的舒適。
皇冠麗晶海灘渡假飯店 Crown Regency Beach Resort Boracay 飯店介紹: 皇冠麗晶大飯店本館位於三號碼頭的沙灘前地理位置方便是長灘島少數有電梯的飯店之一,鬧中取靜的環境使您在長灘島繁忙的日程中,隨時保有一份個人的空間,舒緩身心。設備如洗衣服務、客房服務、飯店 ...
Boracay Island Hotel: Crown Regency Resort and Convention Center | Official Website A 1.8 hectare property located at the Main Road of Station 2, Crown Regency Resort and Convention Center is inspired by the element of Water. (Google Map) ... Crown Regency Resort and Convention Center A 1.8 hectare property located at the Main Road of ..
Boracay Hotel: Crown Regency Resort Boracay | Official Site Crown Regency Corporate Site Crown Regency Hotels & Towers Cebu Crown Regency Prince Resort Boracay Crown Regency Resort & Convention Center Crown Regency Suites & Residences Mactan Crown Regency Residences Davao Crown Regency Hotel ...
CROWN REGENCY RESORT 皇冠大酒店(沙灘區) - 《長灘島旅人手札‧中天旅行社》 長灘島飯店--3--CROWN REGENCY RESORT 皇冠大酒店(沙灘區)... ... 交觀甲:5761 品保中字:0301 台中:(04)2310-5353 中壢:(03)463-1755 台北:(02)2542-5008 聯絡人:林淑貞