40 Words of Wisdom Every Parent Needs to Give Their Child ... I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are what I do best, I chose to pass on some wisdom that I've learned over ...
10 Words of Wisdom Every Parent Needs to Give Their Child by ... As adults, we've learned so much a long our journey and we want to save our children from any pain or obstacle that may lead them astray. Here are ten words ...
父母寫給孩子的話@ 雨後的天空(李匯風) :: 隨意窩Xuite日誌 父母寫給孩子的話 編輯: 勵志天下 孩子,寫這封信的時候作為父親我的心裡十分地 驕傲、喜悅,因為你已經從一個呱呱墜地的嬰兒成長為一位令我自豪的青年了。但是 ...
陳皎眉》送給孩子的話:遠航的鳥要愛惜羽毛… - 親子YOU&ME - (已 ... 【聯合晚報╱蔡佩芳】政大教授陳皎眉說,父母的價值觀念是要不斷傳遞給子女的, 所謂的「訓」其實就是講道理,不斷地、川流不息般地說,絕對會對小孩產生影響。