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韓劇:謝謝(5顆★推薦) @ Sindy’s :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 最近有什麼好看的韓劇可以推薦 嗎? 目前只看了日劇工作狂, 菅野美穗電到我了 >_< 阿濟 於 2007/11/18 14:02 回覆 #7 luluangella07 於 2008/02/12 08:43 寫得太棒了!! 你 ...
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Giulietta e Romeo, vari film 2, Cinema e Medioevo Gvari film su Giulietta e Romeo, Locandine e schede, I film sul Medioevo, Cinema e storia medievale ... The Bolshoi Ballet: Romeo and Juliet 1976, regia di John Vernon Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), Teleglob AG
2014_ Images of JANUARY_ week 3-4 - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare PPS: http://chieuquetoi.blogspot.com ... 2014_ Images of JANUARY_ week 3-4 Presentation Transcript 2014 Images of JANUARY week 3-4 by le-vinhbinh Sources : boston.com ; reuters.com ; time.com ; … pps: chieuquetoi.blogspot.com Click to continue February 5
Doctor Who series 7 review: Hide | Den of Geek Lots of spoilers, as we take a look at Neil Cross' second Doctor Who episode, Hide, starring Matt Smith... ... Not a classic by any stretch but enjoyable and a welcome change of pace. One thing that irked me, why say you can't fly the tardis in to the poc
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Brunch Babble | Conversations That Happen Over Coffee Conversations That Happen Over Coffee (by Emily Listfield) ... Citibike Diaries: Part 1: The People Who Love/Hate People Version Time from gym to work: 15 minutes Time spent developing road rage against pedestrians crossing in middle of the street while w