看看世界名人的IQ智商有多高?【上】 - Sharon's 燕巢 - 痞客邦 ... 看看世界名人的IQ智商有多高?【上】 ... 智商最高的女性(尚在人世):Marilyn Vos Savant¢186 ... Albert Einstein愛因斯坦(1879-1955) Physicist物理學家 USA ¢ 160.
Bill Gates has an IQ of 160 - What is Bill Gates IQ? Bill Gates has an IQ of 160 which is classified as very superior intelligence. Bill is also a businessman, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist. Kids IQ Test Center Home Sitemap Contact Popular Pages The IQ of Famous People Famous SAT Scores
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智商160比爾蓋茲對戰棋王遭秒殺- Yahoo奇摩新聞 2014年1月25日 - 微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲,在挪威的電視節目上,和新科世界棋王卡爾森比賽下西洋棋, 但智商 ...
智商160,全球没几个, 比尔盖茨为例_天才吧_百度贴吧 按照楼主的意思智商高的人都成了比尔盖茨的那种人,想有成就智商只是其中的一个很小的因素,勤奋才是 ...
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Boy, 4, has same IQ as Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking | Daily Mail Online At the age of four, he's already been made a member of Mensa and achieved fame for his intellect. But that wasn't enough for Sherwyn Sarabi, who is now being compared to Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking after recording an IQ score of 160. T
IQ Facts and IQ of Famous People - College Study Tips - Study Skills, Guides and Strategies Picture Name & IQ Albert Einstein IQ Score: 160 Sir Issac Newton IQ Score: 190 Thomas Edison IQ Score: 145 Copernicus IQ Score: 160 Charles Darwin IQ Score: 165 Leonardo Da Vinci IQ Score: 220 George Washington IQ Score: 118 Paul Allen IQ Score: 160
Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160, so does this four-year-old - One News Page Albert Einstein had an IQ of 160, so does this four-year-old Friday, 5 December 2014 4-year Old Gifted Child Score Same IQ as Albert Einstein Barnsley, England – Little Sherwyn Sarabi has just joined the ranks of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkings, and Bil