Matadormon - Digimon Wiki: Go on an adventure to tame the frontier and save the fused world! Matadormon is an Undead Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name and design are... ... Matadormon is an Undead Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name and design are derived from the Matador. It is a bloodsucking martial artist Digimo
BUTTERFLY - Digimon | Brave Heart Butterfly Abertura 1 Abertura 4 O Maior de Todos Digimon Tamers (abertura Brasileira) Break Up! The Biggest Dreamer Abertura 2 Fogo Digimon Data Squad (Abertura) Butterfly Fire!!(japonês) Coração Valente Evo Digimon Digitais Slash!! Abertura 3
Letra de Butterfly (op 1) de Digimon - MUSICA.COM Vocal:Wada Kouji Gokigen na chou ni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ai ni yukou Yokei na koto nante wasureta hou ga mashi sa Kore ijou shareteru jikan wa nai Nani ga wow wow wow wow wow kono sora ni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow wow ...
【Cover】懷舊動畫系列- 數碼寶貝op1 Butterfly 歌ってみた柏慎 ... 2014年11月18日 - 4 分鐘 - 上傳者:陳柏慎 這是懷舊系列的第四首歌了,聽說最近又要出新的數碼寶貝,主角居然還是長大之後 的太一... 總之,希望大家會喜歡囉。