臺北市立聯合醫院忠孝院區 支氣管擴張症 何謂支氣管擴張症:支氣管擴張症是支氣管永久性的擴張,造成呼吸道彎曲、鬆弛且 ... 內不易咳出,導致病患久咳不癒、咳嗽帶痰、痰中帶血絲(咳血),呼吸困難等症狀。
Bronchiectasis | Health | Patient.co.uk Bronchiectasis is an abnormal widening of one or more airways. ... The main symptom is a cough which produces a lot of phlegm (sputum). Treatment often ...
Bronchiectasis - Symptoms - NHS Choices The most common symptom of bronchiectasis is a persistent cough, which affects around 9 out of 10 people with bronchiectasis.
支氣管擴張症« 醫普雜誌medgazine 支氣管擴張症患者不但遠端支氣管的結構變粗,連纖毛的功能也遭到破壞,因此痰液 會積在呼吸道內,造成感染及發炎。病患平常會有慢性咳嗽、濃痰、呼吸困難、胸悶 ...