Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard driver and description? - Microsoft Community Send your comments and questions by clicking on the Send Feedback icon on the Windows 8 desktop, select Apps then Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Centre from the options listed. "PS; This is only article I found that describes some of the key functions; http
Microsoft Sculpt Mobile Mouse Review | Mouse Reviews With its latest peripherals, Microsoft did some digging into what its customers wanted, and, not surprisingly, what they want is an easy way to quickly access the Windows 8 Start screen. The $29.95 Sculpt Mobile Mouse has a dedicated Windows button that .
Microsoft Sculpt Touch Mouse Review - Share This Review: Introduction & Design If you rely on your laptop, you're likely to find a portable mouse a necessary complement to whatever integrated input device you may already have. While there are many such devices to choose from, the $49.95 Micro
Microsoft Sculpt 行動滑鼠| 微軟周邊 有了Microsoft Sculpt 行動滑鼠,即使出門在外,生產力依然一路滿載!使用整合式[ Windows] 按鈕快速存取您最愛的Windows 8 各項功能。
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微軟Microsoft Sculpt 舒適滑鼠- Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 Windows. Macintosh. Windows 8, Windows RT2 or Windows 7; 150 MB硬碟空間; 藍芽無線傳輸; 2 AA(3號)電池(內附); 如要下載相關軟體則需要上網連線能力.