浪漫捷克遊記:布拉格城堡區~國王公園&聖維特大教堂@ 走 ... 2013年6月24日 - 旅行捷克第五天,一整個早上我們都給了布拉格城堡今日的重頭戲就是參觀聖維特大教堂! 這也是我們跑了歐洲 ... 檢視較大的地圖 · 捷克, 布拉格 ...
寧靜海的天際線: 【捷克】布拉格城堡區~聖維塔大教堂與「慕夏之窗」! - yam天空部落 在城堡區的聖維塔大教堂 (St. Vitus Cathedral)外面排隊入場 或稱:聖維特主教座堂(捷克語:Katedrála svatého Víta) 等了40分鐘之後終於輪到我進場了! 有幸一睹教堂內彩色玻璃窗的慕夏之窗,鋸齒形拱頂,大教堂內棺槨上的雕像,壁畫,祭壇與各式波西米亞裝飾!
2013捷克之旅day6 布拉格城堡區 - mariahchou - 痞客邦PIXNET 布拉格Praha;Prague:現今人口120萬,面積497平方公里,是世界最美的城市之一, 整座城市被評定為世界文化遺產!高塔林立並擁有百塔之城的美譽。 早餐後,上午 ...
St. Vitus Cathedral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert (Czech: metropolitní katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha) is a Roman Catholic metropolitan cathedral in Prague, the seat of the Archbishop of Prague. Up to 1997, the cathedral was
Prague Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Prague Castle (Czech: Pražský hrad) is the official residence and office of the President of the Czech Republic. Located in the Hradčany district of Prague and dating back to the ninth century, the castle has been a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Hol
Prague Cathedral - Prague, Czech Republic Its soaring spires visible from all over Prague, the Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral (Katedrála sv Vita) is one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Europe. Construction on the present building began in 1344 and was not completed until the 20th century.
St. Vitus Cathedral - Prague | Prague.net For more than 600 years, the roofs of the Castle have been overlooked by the towers of the Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague. ... St. Vitus Cathedral - Prague For more than 600 years, the roofs of Prague Castle have been overlooked by the towers of St
St Vitus Cathedral | Prague.net St Vitus Cathedral St. Vitus Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece, whose construction began in the 14th century and ended in the 20th century. ... Main entrance Western Spire Night view Watching over Prague Night at the Prague Castle Piece and quiet
St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague St. Vitus Cathedral is the most important and the largest church in Prague. It is situated at the Prague Castle and it is a burial place of former Czech Kings. The Czech Crown Jewels and a large treasure are kept there. St. Vitus Cathedral has two parts:
St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle in Prague St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle in Prague. The dominant building within the Prague Castle complex, and a Gothic masterpiece commissioned in 1344. Climb the tower for ...