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2014峇里島住宿 峇里島天母區的Amasya Villa(水明漾 ... 2014年7月25日 - 老是聽人家講Villa Villa 終於輪到我去住真的Villa了吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 哈哈哈阿哈哈哈哈超爽der~ 這次峇里島五天四夜前兩晚住在Kuta(庫塔)的ibis,
The Amasya Villa 阿曼希雅私人泳池別墅--巴里島酒店介紹 酒店電話: P : (62-361) 731601, F : (62-361) 731602 酒店地址: Jl. Laksmana Seminyak - Bali – Indonesia 酒店Email: info@theamasya-villas.com 酒店連結: http://www.theamasya-villas.com The Amasya Villa位在水明漾區(Seminyak)熱鬧的街上,所在位置生活機能 ...
The Amasya Villa(阿瑪莎亞私人泳池別墅)--巴里島飯店 The Amasya Villa阿瑪莎亞私人泳池別墅, 巴里島VILLA,巴里島住宿,為您量身訂做專屬巴里島蜜月旅行,員工旅遊,畢業旅行,海外婚禮行程。 ... 飯店網址:http://www.theamasya-villas.com 旅館資訊 Amasya別墅坐落在水明漾區熱鬧的街上,擁有20棟別墅,交通方面到 ...
The Amasya Villas & Spa The Amasya Villas is located just one kilometer North of Kuta Bali the most famous tourist destination, and is one of the island most sought after and prestigious, residential areas. It is just a short drive from some of the most stylish restaurants and t
The Ahimsa - A Better Way of Life Bali The Ahimsa group redefines luxury accommodation by providing discerning guests with the ultimate boutique villa experience. Continuing with our commitment to providing our valued guests with an exceptional Bali experience, we proudly announce the completi
歡樂時光樂活峇里遊記之8 @ 芽米兒遇見幸福:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2013年4月23日 - 歡樂時光yamier原創手繪插畫The Amasya(阿瑪斯雅)度假酒店。 這家Villa位在峇里島Seminyak(塞米亞克)地區。 酒店位在Kuta北部1公里處, ...