艾德華諾頓Edward Norton - @movies【開眼電影】http://www ... Edward Norton 艾德華諾頓. 點閱:, 36269. 本名:, Edward Harrison Norton. 別名:, ED. 出生地:, US
巨石強森- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)信息 ... 巨石強森(英语:Dwayne Douglas Johnson,1972年5月2日-)廣泛稱之「The Rock(巨石)」,為職業摔角者及美國演員。2011年重回 ...
Dwayne Johnson - IMDb Actor: Furious 6 (2013) · G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) · Pain & Gain (2013) · The Scorpion King (2002). Born: Dwayne Douglas Johnson May 2 , 1972 in Hayward, California, USA
海克力士 | 片庫 | udn 聯合追星網 【劇情簡介】 【海克力士】故事敘述海克力士是希臘神話裡宙斯假扮成底比斯國王,與國王妻子共度春宵後生下的小孩。 他經歷誤殺家人的悲劇與為了消除罪業完成十二項任務後,決定遠離天神在血戰中尋求慰藉,並在殺戮與戰爭裡認識結交其他六位 ...
巨石強森 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 道格拉斯·巨石強森(英語:Dwayne Douglas Johnson,1972年5月2日-)人稱巨石強森。廣泛稱之「The Rock(巨石)」,為職業摔角手及美國演員[1][2][3]。曾是邁阿密大學橄欖球隊一員的他,曾帶領邁阿密捍衛正義隊贏得1991年國家錦標賽,隨後進軍加拿大橄欖球 ...
巨石強森電影 - 新聞搜尋結果
Tooth Fairy (2010) - IMDb Directed by Michael Lembeck. With Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Stephen Merchant, Ryan Sheckler. A bad deed on the part of a tough minor-league hockey player results in an unusual sentence: He must serve one week as a real-life tooth fairy.
巨石強森電影 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Dwayne Johnson Hints at Potential DC Movie Character Role Dwayne Johnson has offered some hints about the DC movie role he's been in talks for; we consider what character The Rock is referring to. ... Nowadays it’s not enough to make plans for one film at a time, when you’re playing the superhero movie game. Mar
Hercules Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane Movie HD - YouTube Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Hercules Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane Movie HD Having enduring his legendary twelve labors, Her