Nikon | Imaging Products | Nikon D800/D800E Newly developed Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor with 36.3 effective megapixels The D800/D800E employ a Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor (35.9 x 24.0 mm) with 36.3 effective megapixels, the world's highest number*. It renders texture, nuances and details ...
Nikon D800 評測 :135單眼史上最高畫素,性能表現更完整(內含大量介面和實拍) | DIGIPHOTO-用鏡頭享受生命 經過了三年漫長等待,Nikon 終於推出入門全幅後繼機種D800。Nikon D800搭載了3630萬超高畫素CMOS感光元件,部分核心規格等同旗艦等級Nikon D4,例如:Multi-CAM 3500FX對焦系統、9.1萬畫素RGB測光感測器、EXPEED 3影像處理器,火力強大的規格將 ...
Nikon D800 D-SLR Camera | High Dynamic Range Camera Nikon's D800 hd camera is built for today’s multi media photographer with 36.3Mp FX-format CMOS sensor, Full HD 1080p video with stereo sound & more. ... Light reflects off of glass surfaces at a 90-degree angle to the source, so if you’re photographing d
Nikon D800 Review: Digital Photography Review Review based on production Nikon D800 and D800E cameras running firmware v1.00 June 2012: This review has been significantly expanded to include detailed analysis of the performance of the D800 alongside its closely-related stablemate the D800E. We ...
Nikon | News | Digital SLR camera D800/D800E ... Nikon also releases the D800E, a model that offers increased resolution for images with ... Optical low-pass filter IR coating and anti-reflection coating performance is the same with both the D800 and the D800E.
Nikon D800E 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - 規格總覽 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 主要 賣點: 3,630 萬像全片幅 CMOS、使用特製 LPF、51 點 AF、EXPEED 3 影像處理器 ... 擁有達 3630 萬解像,Nikon D800 已稱得上是現時 135 ...
有人在德寶光學數位影音買過相機嗎(第1頁) - Canon單眼相機- Mobile01 請問有人在,德寶光學數位影音買過相機嗎??? 這是yahoo拍賣,平價好高喔.... 請問有在這網拍上買過 ...
低通之变尼康D800与D800E对比测试(全文)_网易数码 2013年10月15日 ... 2012年2月初尼康正式发布FX格式数码单反相机D800/D800E。这两款相机 .... 而 尼康D800与D800E机身上的差别仅在型号LOGO上。 实拍测试.
新華網_攝影世界_ 尼康D800和D800E背後的秘密——訪尼康總部 ... 2012年3月6日 ... 問:聽說尼康這次發布的D800/D800E裏有一項專利,D800E雖然也配置了低通濾鏡 ,但是 ... 問:我所理解的D800和D800E的差別就在于低通濾鏡。
到底該Nikon D800還是D800E?-HD.Club 精研視務所High Definition ... ... 具 官方資料顯示,兩款關鍵的差別在於OLPF (Optical low pass filter) ...