二氧化碳濃度| 台灣環境資訊協會-環境資訊中心 為改善公共場所室內空氣品質制訂的「室內空氣品質管理法」2012年10月23日上路,各項室內空氣品質污染物建議值出爐。最重要的「室內二氧化碳濃度」標準,環保署 ...
Carbon dioxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a naturally-occurring chemical compound composed of 2 oxygen ...
CO2 Now | CO2 Home The 2013 average annual concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (Mauna Loa Observatory) is 396.48 parts per million (ppm). The 2012 average is 393.82 ppm. For the past decade (2004-2013) the average annual increase is 2.1 ppm per year. The average for the
二氧化碳- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Wikipedia 用途[编辑]. 二氧化碳可注入飲料中,增加壓力,使飲料中帶有氣泡,增加飲用時的 口感,像汽水、啤酒均為 ...
科學人雜誌- 全球二氧化碳濃度即將創新高 根據最新觀測結果,地球大氣中的二氧化碳濃度將在2013年6月達到400ppm,對 全球暖化升溫幅度恐怕會造成不樂觀的 ...
科學人雜誌- 吸淨空氣中的二氧化碳 利用空氣過濾機直接吸附二氧化碳,可有效降低大氣二氧化碳的濃度,有助於抒解 全球暖化壓力。
NOAA修正:CO2濃度尚未破400ppm 但重點在「速度」 | 台灣環境資訊 ... 2013年5月14日 ... 美國大氣總署(NOAA)夏威夷測站在9日發現測得二氧化碳(CO2)濃度第一次超過 400ppm,但幾日後發佈 ...
Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is an important long-lived trace gas in Earth's atmosphere currently constituting about 0.04% (400 parts per million) of the atmosphere. Despite its relatively small overall concentration, CO 2 is a potent greenhouse gas and plays a
Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal - Map Global atmospheric concentration of CO2 Atmospheric CO2 has increased from a pre-industrial concentration of about 280 ppmv to about 367 ppmv at present (ppmv= parts per million by volume). CO2 concentration data from before 1958 are from ice core ...
Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal - Pub 2. Over the last 400,000 years the Earth's climate has been unstable, with very significant temperature changes, going from a warm climate to an ice age in as rapidly as a few decades. These rapid changes suggest that climate may be quite sensitive to int