UCLA flood - Los Angeles Times Two underground parking garages were flooded, and the floor of Pauley Pavilion -- the school's storied basketball area -- was warped by several inches of ...
What are Flash Floods? Flash floods are short-term events, occurring within 6 ... Flash floods can be produced when slow moving or ... underground parking garages and basements can.
yiwei's blog: 選擇、購買地下停車位的樓層和位置的分析與祕訣 2011年8月6日 - 每天上下班經過住家停車場,我總是會想到地下室停車場地下一樓和二樓甚至三樓的差異。 ... 萬一淹水,比較可能會來不及將愛車救出地下室。
天秤颱風災情:大水淹滿地下室,從地下停車場把泡水車拉上來 ... 天秤颱風災情:大水淹滿地下室,從地下停車場把泡水車拉上來. Tim Yu. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 51 ...