前列腺素 醫學百科 前列腺素是廣泛存在于哺乳動物和人體的一類不飽和脂肪酸組成的具有多種生理作用的活性物質。前列腺素的發現 1930年,尤勒(von Enler)發現,人、猴、羊的精液中存在一種使平滑肌 興奮和血壓降低的物質,當時設想此物質可能是由前列腺所分泌,命名 ...
血小板 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 血小板 顆粒有兩種,一種是特殊顆粒(又名ɑ顆粒),體積較大,含有凝血因子3等;另一種是 ... 輸血 醫學 輸血醫學 ...
前列腺素 - A+醫學百科 前列腺素(prostaglandin,PG)存在於動物和人體中的一類不飽和脂肪酸組成的具有多種生理作用的活性物質。最早發現存在於人的精液中,當時以為這一物質是由前列腺釋放的,因而定名為前列腺素。現已證明精液中的前列腺素主要來自精囊,除之全身許多 ...
前列腺素之合成與作用機轉 前列腺素之發現由化學結構得知花生四烯酸為帶有二十個碳的多重不飽和脂肪酸, 其中四個碳 .... 類固醇是經由其能誘導合成一種phospholipase A2之抑制劑,進而使發炎細胞、細胞膜內AA之 ...
Prostaglandin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The prostaglandins are a group of hormone-like lipid compounds that are derived enzymatically from fatty acids and have important functions in the animal body. Every prostaglandin contains 20 carbon atoms, including a 5-carbon ring. They are mediators and
prostaglandin - definition of prostaglandin by Medical dictionary prostaglandin /pros·ta·glan·din/ (-glan´din) any of a group of naturally occurring, chemically related fatty acids that stimulate contractility of the uterine and other smooth muscle and have the ability to lower blood pressure, regulate acid secretion of
Prostaglandins - Elmhurst College: Elmhurst, Illinois Prostaglandin Structure: Prostaglandins are unsaturated carboxylic acids, consisting of of a 20 carbon skeleton that also contains a five member ring and are based upon the fatty acid, arachidonic acid. There are a variety of structures one ...
Prostaglandin H2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Prostaglandin H2 is a type of prostaglandin derived from arachidonic acid and a precursor for many other biologically significant molecules. Eicosanoid synthesis - prostaglandin H2 near center It is acted upon by: Prostacyclin synthase to create prostacyc
Prostaglandin | Define Prostaglandin at Dictionary.com prostaglandin pros·ta·glan·din (prŏs'tə-glān'dĭn) n. Any of a group of hormonelike substances produced in various tissues that are derived from amino acids and mediate a range of physiological functions, such as metabolism and nerve transmission.
prostaglandin (chemical compound) | Encyclopedia Britannica prostaglandin, any of a group of physiologically active substances having diverse hormonelike effects in animals. Prostaglandins were discovered in human semen in 1935 by the Swedish physiologist Ulf von Euler, who named them, thinking that they were secr