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Tetris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetris is a tile-matching puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in the Soviet Union. It was released on June 6, 1984, while he was working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the ...
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Tetris Battle on Facebook | Facebook Play Tetris® Battle, one of the most popular games on Facebook! Join millions of other players who are currently playing against each other in the world-famous Tetris® game, or ...
Tetris Battle on Facebook | Facebook Play Tetris® Battle, one of the most popular games on Facebook! Join millions of other players who are currently playing against each other in the world-famous ...
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KUSO 4EVER 創意設計 生活創意 有趣點子: 日本綜藝節目 人體俄羅斯方塊(Human Tetris) 日本綜藝節目的創意往往是各個國家爭相模仿的對象,由於第四台節目的選擇非常多樣性,所以常常看到日本正版的單元跟台灣抄襲的單元同時在播放....當然青菜蘿蔔各有所好,但我看來看去總是覺得日本原創版本特別好笑XD
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