Nintendo 3DS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Nintendo 3DS is a portable game console produced by Nintendo. It is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories.
Nintendo 3DS XL - Blue/Black (Video Game 2012) - Amazon Nintendo 3DS XL The Nintendo 3DS XL system combines next-generation portable gaming with eye-popping 3D visuals. Take 3D photos, connect to friends, other players, or wireless hotspots with the wireless StreetPass and SpotPass communication modes. With 90
Nintendo DS - Official Site - Country Selector at Nintendo Welcome to Nintendo's official home for Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi, and Nintendo DSi XL. Learn about system features, browse games, watch videos, and more. ... We've got answers. Visit the Nintendo DS FAQ for a ...
Nintendo 3DS LL / XL 掌上遊戲機主站評測:大螢幕很棒,但 ... 2012年7月12日 - 圖集: Nintendo 3DS LL / XL 主站評測(review) ... 雖然使用起來並沒有太多的差別, 但我們還是很懷念那個在3DS 上出現的金屬可伸縮式觸控筆。
List of Nintendo 3DS LL/XL colors - Nintendo 3DS Wiki The Nintendo 3DS XL (Nintendo 3DS LL in Japan) was released on July 28, 2012 in Japan (¥18,900... ... Turquoise X Black Nintendo has just revealed a pair of 3DS XL Limited Packs for Japan. Orange X Black and Turquoise X Black. Each is priced at 19,900 yen
What's the difference between the XL and LL? - Nintendo 3DS ... For Nintendo 3DS on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled ... an "LL "'s that different than the XL that's coming out?
NEW Nintendo 3DS XL LL Specs, Pics, Colors, Release Dates, & Prices ANNOUNCED - YouTube UPDATE 4: 3DS XL vs. 3DS IN-DEPTH Gameplay, Screen, Sound, & Speed Comparison Review: UPDATE 3: New 3DS XL and 3DS size and screen comparison in HD 1080p:...
【問題】該買N3DS LL 還是XL?? (第1頁) - DS - Mobile01 3DS xl只能玩中文的遊戲喔神奇寶貝x/y版應該是日規機才能玩... 但是3DS xl還是能 玩nds的日文遊戲 ... 神奇寶貝x/l就看看台灣任天堂會不會代理吧,如果有我也一定會 去入手沒有的話就先 ...
不僅更大還更持久任天堂新掌機3DS LL(XL)全解析@ 楓葉小嘉:: 痞客 ... 來源:互聯網作者:未知編輯:SiLence 儘管出乎許多人的意料之外,任天堂竟然沒在 E3上公佈,但3DS的改良機型最終還是來了:3DS LL(XL)。在接下來的一個多月 ...
Nintendo 3DS - Features - Nintendo - Official Site Explore the features included with each Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, and Nintendo 2DS system, including backwards compatibility. ... Motion Sensor & Gyro Sensor Portable play control reaches a new level with these amazing features, allowing for unique .