List of unsolved problems in mathematics - Wikipedia, the free ... This article reiterates the Millennium Prize list of unsolved problems in mathematics as of October 2014, and lists further unsolved problems in algebra, additive ...
The World's Hardest Maths Problems - Uncyclopedia - Wikia Some of these problems however are infinitely harder than the rest, and The World's Hardest Maths Problems is a collection of these for your enjoyment, ...
最難數學臉書掀風潮全球僅2%人破解- YouTube 2011年9月28日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:cteditor 現在臉書上就流行一道號稱是史上最難的數學,吸引了上萬人來解題,而且聽說全 世界只有2%的人才解的出來,我們也請到補習班的數學 ...
说是世界上最难的一道数学题 - 问问 - 搜狗 说是世界上最难的一道数学题. 120. 假设有一辆车,它的油箱恰好和一个油桶一样大 ,而且车上恰好可以运载一个桶的油。假设一桶油可以让车开80公里。现在在起点, ...