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楊宗達 is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with 楊宗達 and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. ... Funmily.com, PCDIY!電腦硬派月刊, Groupon 桃園, Taipei ESWBC 籃球隊, 正妹俱樂部, 性侵六歲女童,才判三年兩個月?
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楊宗達 is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with 楊宗達 and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. ... RH+O fixed gear specialist!, 令人著迷的生活藝術, 統一星巴克咖啡同好會, StudyWithoutBorders, 天下雜誌, 台灣好市多CO
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Malas Takiludun 說:Gogogogogo (42秒前) 林詩芳 說:只要真心想要,全世界都會幫忙!! (2分鐘前) tingweichiang 說:恭喜tingwei晉級小 ... 阿摩家族功能最大的目的,是要大家互相關心,懂得感恩。 楊宗達 的老師: 無 楊宗達 的學生們:
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