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公司簡介摘要 / FLY
Fly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True flies are insects of the order Diptera (from the Greek di = two, and ptera = wings). Their most ...
機票專業,網路旅行社!提供國內機票、國際機票、訂房、旅遊行程、旅行社代辦簽證等, ...
Fly | Define Fly at Dictionary.com
Scientists have discovered a mysterious species of fly with males bearing highly unusual mis-matched ...
CHEAP FLIGHTS | Find Airline Tickets & Discount Airfares | Fly.com
Find the cheapest flights by comparing hundreds of airlines and travel sites in just one search. Compare ...
香港新浪網 - 字典 - fly
fly KK: [] PyDict 蒼蠅,兩翼昆蟲,飛行 飛,飛翔,飄揚,逃走,潰退 飛,飛越,使飄揚 回頁首 fly 動詞三態 現在式(Present ...
愛詞霸權威在線詞典,為您提供 fly的中文意思, fly的用法講解, fly的讀音, fly的同義詞, fly的反義詞, fly ...
Fly - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of FLY 1: a winged insect —usually used in combination 2 a: any of a ...
< Fly >,是Sarah Brightman(莎拉布萊曼) 1995年發行的一張個人專輯,可以視為 Sarah Brightman ...
Fly to the Sky - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Fly to the Sky(諺文:플라이 투 더 스카이、台譯:飛行青少年、簡寫:FTTS)是韓國二人男子演唱團體,由韓裔美籍的Brian和韓國出身的Fany所組成。 ...
fly - Wiktionary
Birds of passage fly to warmer regions as it gets colder in winter. The Concorde flew from Paris to New ...
fly - Yahoo奇摩字典
Fly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because no species of fly has teeth or any other organ or limb that allows them to
eat solid foods, flies consume only ...
Fly | Define Fly at Dictionary.com
to be carried through the air by the wind or any other force or agency: bits of
paper flying about. 3. to float or flutter in the ...
fly - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
fly - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.
Urban Dictionary: fly
verb; to work in an acceptable way, or will realistically happen. Don't even try that.
It ain't gonna fly. by New York person ...
FLY London - The brand of universal youth fashion culture
FLY London - The brand of universal youth fashion culture.