elephant journal: Yoga, Sustainability, Politics, Spirituality. 4 小時前 - Videos, blog, articles on 'the mindful life': Organics, Ecofashion, Buddhism, Conscious Consumerism, Education, Arts, ...
Elephant Crisis Fund 2014年5月9日 - Every 15 minutes an elephant is killed for its ivory tusks. Unless we act now, elephants face an uncertain future.
Elephant Nature Park 2004年9月15日 - Elephant Nature Park is an elephant rescue and rehabilitation center in Northern Thailand where you can volunteer and ...
Why she Finally Left. | elephant journal 2015年5月24日 - Elephant offers 3 free articles a day, every day. If you want more, a membership with Elephant Journal is only $13 per year—about a buck a month, less than the price of a coffee—to help independent media grow and enables ...
Bradley Cooper in The Elephant Man – what the critics said ... 2015年6月1日 - Bradley Cooper has followed in the footsteps of John Hurt, David Bowie and Mark Hamill by taking on the lead role in The Elephant Man – but unlike Hurt, he has done so without prosthetics. Nevertheless, when he played ...
The Elephant Man review – Bradley Cooper reminds us ... 2015年6月7日 - People have been hustling vigorously for tickets outside the West End's Haymarket theatre. Familiarity with the story of The Elephant Man helps, but the eagerness has most to do with Bradley Cooper. The star of American ...
Tanzania elephant population declined by 60 in five years ... 2015年6月2日 - Government data shows industrial scale of poaching for ivory as number of elephants in Tanzania drops from 109051 in 2009 to 43330 in 2014.
The Kenyan elephant reserve that's fighting back against ... 2015年6月23日 - Though she has studied elephants in Kenya's Amboseli national park for over 40 years in the longest-running elephant research project in Africa, she is now not able to spend us as much time in the field as she would like, ...
Thinking Like an Elephant | George Monbiot 2015年6月15日 - It was a monster, built on such a scale that it made the African elephant look like a ballet dancer. Its great neck suggests that it specialised in ripping trees to bits. Any edible tree unable to hedge or coppice would have been ...
Trophy Hunter Trampled to Death By Elephant He Was ... 2015年4月20日 - A trophy hunter who was leading a guided group to hunt an elephant for its tusks was trampled to death by a young bull elephant in Zimbabwe. For a story like this, one would probably assume that we would take some sort of ...
African Elephants - Key Facts, Information & Pictures 2015年6月4日 - African Elephants The African elephant, (Loxodonta Africana), is also known as the 'African Bush Elephant'. Both the African Bush Elephant and the African Forest Elephant have usually been classified as a single species, known simply as the&n
New Findings Pinpoint Africa's Elephant Poaching Hotspots ... 5 天前 - New Findings Pinpoint Africa's Elephant Poaching Hotspots « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas.
Herd Trumpets Baby Elephant's Arrival - ZooBorns 3 天前 - A baby Asian Elephant arrived to the sound of a trumpeting herd on June 16 at Planckendael in Belgium. Photo Credit: Jonas Verhulst Mom Phyo Phyo delivered her female calf, named Qiyo, surrounded by her five female ...