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Exploring the new .NET "dotnet" Command Line Interface ... 2015年12月24日 - I've never much liked the whole "dnvm" and "dnu" and "dnx" command line stuff in the new ASP.NET 5 beta bits. There's reasons for each to exist and they were and they have been important steps, both organizationally and ...
Surrender at 20: 16 PBE Update: Japanese Content on ... 2 天前 - The PBE has been updated! As we continue with the 6.1 PBE cycle, today's update includes Japanese translation and VOs in preparation for the upcoming Japanese server, several skin tweaks, over 90 new esports ...
The Offspring just sold their entire catalog for $35 million ... 2 天前 - The Offspring's catalog allegedly produced $3.1 million in net publisher or net label revenue, and the prospect of building on that profit also undoubtedly factored into the purchase. According to Gruss, Round Hill is focused on ...
為什麼2016 你該創業或學寫程式« Blog.XDite.net 6 天前 - 這篇文是接著羅胖的跨年演講結論寫的衍生。這裏有部分的演講筆記。而羅胖本人正版全演講稿在Amazon 上有售。 至於全長的四小時,正式影片在下週會在優酷與Youtube 放送。 先寫結論:...
The Battle.net Gift Card - World of Warcraft 2015年12月21日 - All they need to do is claim the code on the back of the card in order to charge up their Battle.net Balance, which can be used to purchase a variety of Blizzard digital items, games, and services. You can also use the gift card to ...
Support Ending for the .NET Framework 4, 4.5 and 4.5.1 ... 2015年12月9日 - NET 4, 4.5, and 4.5.1 frameworks. All other framework versions, including 3.5, 4.5.2, 4.6 and 4.6.1, will be supported for the duration of their established lifecycle. The decision to end support for these versions will allow us to ...
遊戲王YGOpro(ADS) 1.033.8 Percy 繁體中文版(0103 ... 4 天前 - 有問題請先參考:http://billy77111.pixnet.net/blog/post/45553968 特別聲明: 1.不要問我online功能的問題,這麼不喜歡用IP連 ... 的原始檔嗎?(畢竟目前來說不算"女主角"所以用此稱呼); 請~ http://www.zerochan.net/1684631#full.
Trump appears to think Paris is in Germany Boing Boing 1 天前 - It's the perfectly-optimized Trumpian Twittergaffe, lurking somewhere between a) bloviating ignorance and b) his inability to form coherent thoughts in 140 characters. None of his followers will care, every else will find it ...
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