[暹粒]住宿討論區 2005年12月20日 - 作者:fenyuan - 回應數:614
US Billboard Hot 100 Charts (Week of January 24, 2015 ) 2015年01月19日 - 作者:Kanlen
求!!義大利7日遊 四月初到 2015年01月26日 - 作者:R122322 - 回應數:5
Natvra iir|lOwwFG^ YUQ1XJT 2014年11月11日 - 回應數:55
[情報] T值爆表8.1!海燕成為史上最強颱風之一! 2013年11月07日 - 作者:keroromoa.bbs@ptt.cc - 回應數:27
Pubget: Search engine for life-science PDFs 2007年9月4日 - Pubget is like Pubmed, except you get the PDFs right away.
Start Here: How to Get Your Book Published | Jane Friedman 2012年1月28日 - Updated May 2015. It's the most frequently asked question I receive: How do I get my book published? With this post, I hope to offer the most critical information and address the most pressing questions, as well as provide a ...
Get a tip from a barmaid: pub staff could be used to spread ... 2015年7月21日 - Get a tip from a barmaid: pub staff could be used to spread public health message. Royal Society for Public Health report suggests using cleaners, hairdressers and postal workers and venues such as pubs to help reach ...
Londoners vaping alcohol at this pop-up bar are probably ... 2015年8月12日 - Your email was sent. =]. TWEET SHARE. Drinking alcohol with your mouth is so old fashioned. At a pop-up bar in London, people are getting drunk with their eyeballs, skin, and lungs, soaking in a cloud of alcohol vapor.
Palestine pub crawl: Meet the brewmaster brothers who ... 2015年7月9日 - Palestine pub crawl: Meet the brewmaster brothers who want to get the West Bank hooked on craft beer. Nigel Wilson. By Nigel Wilson in Birzeit. July 9, 2015 08:00 BST. West Bank beer Alaa Sayej pours a beer from the tank at Birzeit ...
British People Would Rather Get Drunk at Home Than the Pub 2015年7月7日 - According to a new study, only 23 percent of Brits still visit the pub on a frequent basis, with 52 percent preferring to host gatherings at home.
Get $4.99 .PUB domains during this week's Bottoms Rupp ... 2015年8月10日 - What do a bar owner, an e-magazine writer, and a publicist have in common? (And no, this isnt the beginning of a bad joke.) They all can save big at this weeks Bottoms Rupp Happy Hour! This Th.
“We get the chance to shine:” Three Lions Pub to score ... 2015年6月12日 - SHOREWOOD — The U.S. is playing in the first round of the FIFA Women's World Cup on Friday, June 12th. Three Lions Pub in Shorewood is a soccer bar where interest in this sport has been growing and growing these last ...
WTF You Can Get Beer Injected With Semen At This Bar In ... 2015年8月6日 - Hey, this beer is great, but I sure do wish a stag ejaculated into the cup before I drank it? Of course, you have. We all have. Thankfully, The Green Man Pub in Wellington heard the cry of the New Zealand beer-drinking ...
What You'll Get at Afternoon Tea at Brit's Pub | City Pages 2015年4月13日 - It's why grandparents and kids get along so well. So when I booked an afternoon tea at Brit's Pub for an auntie/niece date and she woke up sick, I wondered, could I just as well enjoy what amounts to sober happy hour without ...
You'll soon be able to get home delivery from Publix, this ... 2015年7月30日 - Shopping will soon be even more of a pleasure for Publix shoppers with the grocery delivery service Shipt. For an initial $49, registered Shipt users can order grocery items (including Pub Subs!) via the app or online and ...