阿丹生日快樂;Happy Birthday to Adan ...我們一起來吹蠟燭好不好? 阿丹:我又不會吹,而且我也不能吃蛋糕~~ Michico : Adan-dan, let's blow the candle together, ok? Adan : No, I don't blow, and I can't eat cake... - 相關資訊
親人丹;Adan is close to friend ...芥:阿丹越來越大方了~他以前是個躲藏貓,可是現在他會喜歡走出來~ Michico : Adan is getting open years by years, he used to be... - 相關資訊
跳跳丹;Jumping Adan-dan ...海跳」半個小時左右,而且很養生,都在很柔軟的環境上面跳躍。 Michico : With Adan is aging, he can't jump too much or the joints might gets... - 相關資訊
阿丹和婆婆;Adan and my mother-in-law ...耐性,才會變成真正感情好。 Michico : Although Adan was earlier coming to...into her eyes. My mother-in-law whisper to Adan " Adan, I am your grandma~" Oah that makes... - 相關資訊
阿丹逗弄樂高;Adan teases Lego ...的? Lego : Hmmm? How come the feeling doesn't right? 阿丹:黑黑~摸到你囉~~ Adan : Hey, gotcha didn't I? 樂高:別碰我拉~ Lego : Don't touch me~~ 阿丹:你從小... - 相關資訊
阿丹的米雕DNA項鍊;Adan's DNA necklace ...答應了我的要求,十天後,阿丹的米雕項鍊出來了。米的正面寫阿丹,背面寫ADAN。 Last year, I made a "PAW PRINT" Frame of Adan's paw ". Now, I have something more. I... - 相關資訊
塞ㄋㄞ丹;dearly Adan 小芥:昨晚丹丹去拆線了~ Michico : Last night my Adan-dan finally let go his butt stitches~ 然後...to wear couple days only~~~ 阿丹:不要拉!!! Adan: Hmmm!!! PLEASE DON'T!!! - 相關資訊
阿丹丹的生日趴-人物篇;Adan-dan'sbirthdayParty-Part1 ...舔奶油。因為這個也應該是我的。Adan:BeforeIintroducemyBirthdayparty,IliketoshareAriongaveabirthdaycakeforMichicoonFridaywhileshewasoverworking...十一歲,蛋糕是要給壽星吹蠟燭的嘛~~~~Adan:DoIreallyhavetocomeout?Pleaseletmego,therearetoomanypeople!!Michico... - 相關資訊
Write to Adan & Lego ...I've been satisfied.Dear Adan & Lego, I just visted your blog,and ...PURR...)))))))))))))))))) love from lu-luhttp://adan-way.blogspot.com/ Above is Adan... - 相關資訊
擔心葛格;Worry about Adan brother ...這年頭連屁屁都不能舔了。不知道哪一天我會不會面對這種悲慘的命運。 Lego : Adan brother looks uncomfortable everyday, I am so worry about him. Right now as... - 相關資訊