張文賢的相片 - 「旅行筆記本」 ...大林慈濟醫院心臟外科張醫師對折我們兩位選手此行的協助支援。更多發佈者: 張文賢 - 相關資訊
雲林/張文賢 鐵人教官 圖/李鋅銅國立虎尾高中教官張文賢,今年3月帶領學校3名選手前往泰國湄公河畔參加亞洲杯鐵人錦標賽的半程鐵人賽... - 相關資訊
101年3月24日阿峰演奏獅子王主題曲(張文賢娶媳婦會場千餘賓客及粉絲遲遲不願離席) - 相關資訊
101年3月24日本團林團長及張文賢家有喜事 - 相關資訊
20111029~30 秋季花東挑戰行程 影片分享(張文賢教官攝影、製作)(113新增影片) 這一次花東挑戰行程,大家都能順利、平安的挑戰成功,真的是太棒了。 要歸功於大家週三練習日及公路訓練的努力,才讓這一次的行程,都能順順利利。 路溜,可以順順的溜、可以暴走的溜、可以爬山、也可以在雨中... - 相關資訊
0317 B10023011 張文賢 There are five people in my family . My father is a employee in a company . Making money is his responsibility. When I was a child, he usually helped me with my homework . And my mother is a... - 相關資訊
0312 B10023011 張文賢 Nowadays , more and more people are too busy to take care of their parents . Some of them even ignore their father and mother . Therefore , we should regard this situation as a social problem . I think many people have read this news . The photo... - 相關資訊
0324 B10023011 張文賢 This person in this photo is watching screen of the notebook , she bends her knees and sits on the lawn . I think she is surfing the net . Nowadays , technology makes our life more... - 相關資訊
1128 B10023011 張文賢 - 相關資訊
1108 B10023011 張文賢 - 相關資訊